Life : The Most Important Story You’ll Ever Read
The Farmer & the Horse
Once lived a farmer.
He received for his birthday a marvelous horse as a gift. His neighbor came to see him and told him “You are very lucky. No one is going to give me such a beautiful horse.”
I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad thing…
said the farmer. A little while after the farmer’s son rode the horse and the horse threw him out. He fell and got really hurt. “Oh this is awful ! said the neighbor. You were right when you said it could be a bad thing. The person who bought you this horse wanted to hurt you ! Your son is not going to be able to walk anymore. ” The farmer didn’t look so much disturbed and said :
I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad thing…
A little later, the war started and all the youths from the land where called to to be enrolled. Except the farmer’s son. The neighbor came back to the farmer and said: “ Your son is the only one of village that will not go to war, he is truly lucky !” And the farmer repeated one more time :
I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad thing…
Translated from : “L’Encyclopédie du savoir relatif et absolu.” (link amazon) by Bernard Weber.
If you have others great stories, please share them.